Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Modeling GIGS and Publishing-as of late June

It was a choice to self publish because everything in my book is about doing your own dream and the hustle and "figuring out" that is involved.

It suits me to do so and through Book Surge I now have my memoir Almost 5'4".

June has been a wonderful month.

-Worked the shoe show for FFNY
-Shot for a national Food magazine, modeling my hands-handling and holding forks and salad tongs.
-And Body Doubled for one of Christina Ricci's movie posters
-modeled for a national ad campaign for an off price retailer, modeling the Fall shoes.
....not bad for the wee model. I will try to give tips and hints for the Underdog on this blog.
AND... I got my memoir Almost 5'4" and now it is on Amazon! WOW.

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