Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Hands are tired

Holding forks is no joke! Just kidding it is easy as hell and great! I love hand modeling. And you get fed the most amazing food! The Pork was so good!

Can't wait for the check! And the tearsheet!

Look for me in the October issue if Bon Appetit and the December issue!( i have a cream shirt on and my nails are cut danity and short( see pic for example -although that is the handle of the LaCroix Handbag collection-different shoot) anyways with Bon Appetit and I am digging in the broccoli! Forkin around with the meat and cutting and placing my hands on the pretty napkins!

Tomorrow I have a shoot near the Apple Store so I am anxious and planning my outfit, something to go with my red Nina Shoes! Mmmm.

Time to get laundry and pass out!


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