Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Race Inside all of Us.

To have it my way, I self published my book -my modeling memoir through and there are others'you could consider like and but I felt best with Like a pair of shoes, it is your comfort level and your style that will help you decide.
Self publishing has been a dream come true. And the marketing has really just begun. Now the work isn't over, - and just having a binded book doesn't mean you can sit on your ass. Everyday I am hustling, writing press kits, and the promotion is the fun part but also it can be a challenge if you don't use your own personal creative style of self promotion. You can read some book self-publishing tips at -click here for the article I wrote on "How to get Your Book in Magazines and Newspapers".

Just like being a petite model, the self publishing world means you have to always be trying and positive.

Also I am not positive about having a Publicist, not only the price but maybe it is my fear of failure by relying on someone to do all the work for you, that leads me to be nervous-how do I really know they are caring like I do about my book and self. I would have to be proven. I like the thought of being able to blame myself no matter what the results are. So I have learned how to self serve, and self publishing isn't easy for someone who doesn't like to toot their own horn.

So today, I had a nice little relaxing Sunday, -I went to the Belmont Park races today. In my hot little maroon sweater dress from forever21, I was smoking! But the horses were making the fire and when Unbridled Belle won during the 9th race, I screamed my head off! Todd Pletcher has some magic touch. I also was very impressed with Now a Victor in race 4. The underdog pulling through :)!! When they round the curve, I am reminded of my old runner self. In my heels today and everyday and, I feel the pain in my lower back and I feel for those horses tonight too, Sore, beat, and needing a massage.

Model tip of the weekend: Always carry a tampon with you. Seriously! I know from experience the results if you don't! :)

isobella jade

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