Friday, September 14, 2007

Then and Now

It took me 5 years and I am finally workin with some great modeling agents, the phone doesn't ring every single day but it rings more than it ever did and I am creating a new compcard within the next couple weeks and anxious! Modeling for my ego, back then...inspired my book Almost 5'4" and today as I promote it and try to gain media leads I find myself thankful that I have seen both sides of the business. The freelancers and working with agencies. The Amatuer and the Professional worlds.
NO matter your trade, craft, interest and inspiration...don't give up. Make time for it. Pursue it. Do your homework and never hold back from flaunting yourself when flaunting is due. It's not easy to succeed in breaking the standard rules,or bend them, and sneeking in the door or find your own way in...but if you stay persistance it WILL work. Just think inside and outside of the box and imagine the perspectives of those you are pursuing. If you want to start a business, even if that business is yourself you have to look at YOU from the outside in, the inside out and see how you are representing you.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend!
isobella jade

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