Friday, October 5, 2007

The business called YOU- by Isobella Jade

I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal called Heiresses Get Down to Business, and I like it well….Except the part about Ivanka Trump,and Zani Gugelmann being considered business starters and models for starting their own brands, I just don’t think they really measures u. Someone a little different is Dylan Lauren, who is putting in 14 hour days. Every day. If it is true. I think the candy shop idea is great and I might stop in Dylan’s Candy Bar an get some candy next week.

As for self serving, the underdogs, the ones who have to scout out their own press,exposure and pursuit, keep hustling! I wonder if any of the Heiresses ever had to hustle to skip the middle man. Some people have said to me along the writing way: Maybe you should wait until you are famous and then try to publish your book. Or Sorry I don’t see how a petite model book will sell. I beg to differ. Even now I am hustling and trying to find new outlets to market myself, even after exposure in high profiled newspapers, magazines and websites.

I am still modeling and looking for work and going on castings. And in the mean time when I don’t have a gig, I try to get in the magazines myself. Getting in the magazines or agency door as a petite model is a struggle. Skipping the middleman is a challenge, takes research and the right approach, but it is possible. Instead of waiting for the phone to ring, making it ring should be the answer. I now work with modeling agencies and get sent on quality castings and get booked by national brands and global magazines, but it wasn’t always like this. Most of the time it hasn’t been and only recently have my pursuits paid off. And now I’d like to tell you how I have done it with three ideas.

  1. Think like the AGENT- how would a startup modeling agency get clients to use their models? They would market themselves right? As having the best models? As having quality models? As having diversity at their agency? Do the same for yourself, start marketing yourself TO these agencies.

  1. Chance-Don’t Wait!-tomorrow isn’t promised so do it now. Why haven’t you gotten that photo shoot done yet, why haven’t you mailed your photos to that person, or called that person back yet. Don’t forget the importance of keeping in touch and following up with your contacts.

  1. Get off the computer and start interacting with people. Go to events, charity event, not just mingle at clubs but get involved with events that involve creative minds who are pursuing like you are.

I will be talking about this more on my ModelTalk audio show on next week!


Little Model Talker- isobella

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