Monday, October 29, 2007

Ethnic Models and Magazines

For the Ethnic Models:

I asked Kendra Lee at Heart and Soul Magazine if she had any tips for aspiring petite ethnic models, these were her uplifting words.

1. What do you look for in a model at Heart and Soul?

Heart & Soul models have to be the visual representation of a healthy lifestyle. They should be fit, comfortable in front of the camera and have a personality that comes through a visual medium.

2. Do you consider shorter models and if so what would inspire you?

We use models of all heights on the pages of Heart & Soul. As long as a model's look fits the healthy lifestyle theme, her height isn't an issue.

3. What types of shoots do you have where height doesn't matter?

There are opportunities for shoots where height doesn't matter in nearly all of our departments--from Love Lines, about relationships, to Good Eats, about nutrition, to Work Matters, about the finances of your career.

4. Any advice you can give shorter aspiring models who want to be in your editorials and photo spreads?

If you think you have the healthy lifestyle featured so prominently in the pages of Heart & Soul, seize the day and send your book to

hope this helps!

Kendra Lee
Executive Editor

So there you have it! and Goodluck! - isobella

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