Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ethnic Petite Modeling Tips

I heard from Monica Herrera, an editor at Latina Magazine and she shared some really inspiring tips for the ethnic petite models and shorter models out there, and even the male models! These are her thoughts.

1. Does Latina magazine consider petite models? Under the height of 5'7"?
Yes, we have different sections in fashion like real women and style opener where we featured all shapes and sizes.

2. What do you look for when choosing a model for editorials and photospreads in Latina magazine?
Depends on the story we are working on. But we look for good chemistry with the camera, able to move/pose, smiles, energy, shape, diff. looks to feature our diversity in beauty,etc. It’s all in the portfolio!!!

3. Can Latina or ethnic models submit their photos to you directly at Latina Magazine?
Sure! Mail them to the photo department.

4. What about men for your editorials? What do you look for as well?
We sometimes use male models to tell a story within our fashion spreads.

This sounds like a perfect opportunity to add to your To Mail list!

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