Monday, October 1, 2007

Not Another Wanna-Be Model!!!

It is easy to slip into wanna be mode and just be another one. To strive beyond you have to remember a few things.
1. Show up to your shoots and castings, don't flake out without a warning to the photographer or agent.
2. Be on Time. Maybe on the way to the shoot you cut your leg up really bad and you are bleeding now....but at least you are on time! It makes a difference.
3. Bring ideas to the shoot. Don't expect a photographer to do all the work, and you are NOT a rag have some input, bring a photo from a magazine, or even a sketch pad to draw out your ideas with a marker!
4. Bring diversity-prepare ahead of time- depending on the style of the shoot, practice posing in the bathroom or infront of a mirror, it helps to pose better when you understand the perspective of the photographer.
5.You will only get 2-3 shots from the whole shoot that are worth adding to your book. This isn't to say other shots will be really nice, but modeling is about telling a story, and selling a product or personality, so whether you are in a barely there thong or modeling coats for an aspiring clothing your book you only want to show at most 2 shots from each shoot.
6. Do you know where to get a portfolio book? You can get decently priced ones not at photography stores but at art stores. GO to art supply stores that students go too, they will be cheaper but of good quality. My first one was from Walmart, then I upgrades to Pearl Paint, now I go to B&H, or a photo shop, but also online you can find decent cheap ones by Googling "portfolio books" or portfolio's."
7. You are shooting to get somewhere further than where you are now. Everyone you meet is a learning experience, photographer, makeup artist, stylist, shoot. You are growing as a model with each one, but be perceptive and wake up! don't waste time with people who don't have passion towards what they do. If you work with people who are not driven...then it might affect your own plans.
isobella jade

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