Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Perfect Crime Last Night

I went to see The Perfect Crime last night at the Snapple Theater. WOW...WOW...Wow So good, and so much talent out of Catherine Russell, Richard Shoberg, Patrick Ryan Sullivan, and Rob Sedgwick, and the few moments of Patrick Robustelli on the TV Show.
In the living room, on a neat, but chaotic set, I enjoyed watching all of the personalities of the cast come alive within the characters unique but intriguing actions and words. I admire Catherine for working at NYU and inspiring students through her work and giving opportunities to other actors in which she shares the stage. I especially loved the moment when .....just kidding I can't spoil it! You have to just go see it. It is amazing how without music, song or dance, you can feel the emotion and question the actions, and have a murder mystery happening right in front of your face. So impressed. Congrats to the cast and crew!

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