Saturday, November 24, 2007

Petite Models and Being a persistent, go-getter.

Girls, women, females of all ages are obsessed with being discovered. Except they don’t put in the effort to be found. For hundreds of years women have been the muses for artists, painters, sculptures, photographers, designers, writers, but yet in today’s world you have to fight harder to be a muse or a model, or seen or desired or the inspiration of anything artistic or related to art. When a girl asks herself or myself “How can I start modeling?” My answer is marketing. It shocks me when girls want to be models but they don’t know anything about it. It makes me wonder where the “want to be a model” comes from? When I started modeling I had a need to feel admired and wanted and seen and I grew obsessed with it, ( counting the hits and clicks on my modeling page on the Internet) but the industry hasn’t changed all that much and now even with the Internet the same old ( the client calls the agent, they don’t hunt on the Internet for models and talent, never have and most likely never will)… still takes place when it comes to getting discovered and getting work, and most of the time it means making it happen for yourself. Since the access to the modeling world is found through the Internet and it is so easy to feel like a model or the only option for the shorter models. But it’s not. Being discovered is a word for those who are tall, and expected in modeling. Making it happen for yourself, is a statement for those who can’t be limited to one source as their only promotional tool, if you want to do something and it is difficult or it makes you the underdog by trying it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try . It just means the BEING Discovered, is really Being a persistent, go-getter.

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