Sunday, November 25, 2007

Say No to America's Next Top Model and Yes to Marketing You to Brands and Magazines

Even after Megg Morales, was recruited on Myspace for the show and then later voted off Top Model, before the show she had a contract with Elite and her answers in a 2006 interview for the Village Voice shared that after the show she really wasn't heading anywhere exciting with modeling and she was noticed because of the show when she tried to drink underage at bars but being the show didn't really bring her anything but a few segments of exposure on TV. After the show she was trying to get with an agency again since Elite dropped her I guess, and she was considering other options for herself, and passions,goals and careers,- even as a lifeguard.

It makes one wonder if sometimes too much exposure can be bad, and how careful we have to be when it comes to exposing ourselves,- even on America's Next Top Model. Especially since many of these girls are full of themselves and not really willing to work hard. The opportunity and chance and jobs wont just come to you because you have been on America's Next Top Model or any reality show for that matter, you have to seek for yourself the next step in your life and the show is just a stepping stone or a different stage of your pursuits but not the end all.

I guess what upsets me is that: The show invites you on and gives you un realistic ideas of the modeling world and then kicks you off and leaves the models with no further advice. It seems the girls show up, do the process and then get nothing to advance them into the real world modeling industry. Which takes places off camera and infront of real clients, castings, agents and photoshoots. It just boggles me. I think reality shows can be really lame, unrealistic and really pathetic and unhonest. It gives average girls and people a perception of an industry that is narrow minded on the TV screen and presented in a way that is not typical, normal, or the truth.

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