Friday, November 30, 2007

Wiggin it! The View shares advice on Wigs and Hair Weaves

Hair Wigs and weaves are also for white girls. Don't be narrow minded, you might be able to plump up your hair instead of shooting again your thin dry blond locks at your next shoot. Or change your look quickly from short hair to long! On The View today they mentioned unique weaves and hair wings, I have worn both at my shoots, for example see the photo enclosed! I loved how Joy Behar got in with the wig style and showed off her locks on The View today! She always has something sassy to say and she is my favorite and she looked very good. So girls, petite models, ladies, don't be afraid to use a weave or wig or extentions at your shoot. A few months ago, when I body doubled for a movie poster I had to use extentions, they clipped in and at the time I had short hair but within minutes I had long curly hair. The photo enclosed is from a shoot I did in San Francisco, by Christopher Jensen. I wore a wig.

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