Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Comp card hustling and designing

Picking images can sometimes be a process for me. Today it took way too long, I debated over making my comp card show my body and also show my personality. I want to be able to market myself to brands like Sally Beauty and also to lingerie companies and jobs for body part modeling. I really need more than one card. One that shows my personality and commercial appeal, some fashion looks, (meaning modeling clothing, shoes, or bags) and also a card that shows my parts. A parts card will allow me to model my hands, legs, stomach, behind, and curves, along with my hair and eyes, and my commercial card is needed for jobs for editorials and where personality counts!

I recently took a really great butt shot which will be used on both cards because it does show my curves but also it is shot in a commercial way. It is in a thong lingerie set from H&M which I love, but my image is shot very catalog like, so it works with a commercial card. If you want to show your body and you want to also model commercial products, beauty products, etc, you need to shoot your body in a commercial way.

Crossing fingers on this card. I think it will be good!
I did a Google search of the word model and found www.compcard.com, which is a very decent source, and if you want advice they can give it too!

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