Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Becoming a Model by Being Yourself, Commercial Print Modeling Advice from Aaron Marcus

I recently caught up with Aaron Marcus, whose website Howtomodel.com is an inspirational voice for aspiring models, and he is an insightful public speaker when it comes to gaining honest advice about working in the commercial print modeling world. His realistic approach towards the modeling industry has nothing to do with being tall, or being the most attractive person or being a certain standard, instead his mindset is all about being yourself as he encourages you to understand that "Many successful commercial models look like everyday people."

So Aaron...

1. When in your pursuits did you understand that as a model, you didn't have to be a certain standard?
When I first got started, I had no idea what the statistics were for modeling. I was pretty fortunate, and starting getting some small jobs pretty quickly. I never had an interest in fashion work, so I didn't even learn about the fashion world until after I was already working as a commercial model.

2. What has been the most surprising or defining job that proved that modeling could work for you?
I guess, when I stood in line at a go-see in NY with literally hundreds of other models, and wound up booking a job that sent me to Hawaii for a shoot.

3. At what age did you start modeling and how has modeling changed for you over the years?
I started at the young of 29. I find that with the Internet, many agents are doing many more things on line, instead of physically mailing out comp cards.

4. Why did you want to make a voice for commercial print modeling?
I found there were so many women who wanted to model but thought that they didn't have a chance because they didn't have the "perfect" height or weight in order to model. I was able to teach people through my seminars and my book, "How to Become a Successful Commercial Model", that there is modeling available for everyone.

Another reason for wanting to help models is because I saw a number of teenage girls who were beautiful and looked great, but were rejected by the fashion world. They were crushed. I was asked by them how they could lose more weight. I told them that they looked great, and should not consider making any physical changes to their body type. It was such a nice feeling for me to have an impact on their lives.

5. I agree, I don’t think a person should have to change themselves physically and instead focus on what they do have that can help to make them a model. So, what are three tips you can give an aspiring "girl/ or guy next door" model?
Make sure you learn how to create strong commercial photos, and not just posed shots for the camera. Make your photos look like ads, and show a variety of expressions and emotions.

It is very refreshing to speak to you and I enjoy your perspective and thanks for your time Aaron.

To find Aaron’s book visit his website here

Thanks for answering my questions Aaron and you prove that modeling is beyond height!


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