Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I can't believe it is 2008!

Happy New Year to all, and the list of Things To Do has already begun! Tonight I will be speaking about self promotion and how with a dash of self promotion and a pinch of energy a model of any height can get a head in NYC or anywhere. Today I received a message from someone in Tokyo, and he mentioned how I might be in the wrong country because petite girls are accepted there,( this I already knew)but it was a nice comment. So in case you are curious, it is in countries like France, Italy, U.S, where girls are needed to be tall to be models, but it is true in Tokyo, if you are only 5 foot, or even shorter, you can get ahead. You might be able to get a decent flight too! Of course before you move or sign a contract, read the fine print and do your homework no matter where the modeling job is an with who. If a magazine wants to shoot you in a country beyond your own, make sure you Google it first. If an agent wants to see you in the U.K, make sure you do some research, there is some great international work and I hope to do some as well, but always I will be true to me, and doing my homework, TO US, to making our long To-Do list happen!

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