Monday, January 7, 2008

Modeling Advice and Quick Fix-it Hints

When you're on your own a lot as a freelance or aspiring model and sort of like a small business you have keep yourself in check. Some Modeling mistakes that might appear minor come in hair color, cropping images, and messy portfolio books but they are important they can be fixed!

Make sure your hair is only one color. Make sure your hair is brunette, blond, or red, or a certain color that can be defined. It helps an agent book you for work.
If you can't explain your hair color then an agent or booker wont be able to either. Which means you might miss out on a casting or job.

When you are putting together a portfolio or comp card be careful about cropping images. Don't crop pictures too tight or too wide, and a border isn't needed most of the time so skip it! Also never crop your ankle, your wrist, your shoe, or the top of your head, a complete photo is what we want to see. Do crop the background that is too distracting, and make sure the focus in the image is you not the tree you are standing next too.

Your portfolio book should be clean, and easy to flip through, it should hold about 20 images at least, remember if you are on a budget, you can find a portfolio book at even Wal-mart, usually a book that holds a 9x11 photo is good. Usually the color is a black or white. Try photo stores, art stores, and printing shops, you can pay as low as 10 bucks and as high as 200 or more. Once I had a portfolio book with a plexi glass top, totally wasn't worth the money and it was heavy to lug around but it did look cool for a few minutes. Measure the size of a magazine, that is about the size your portfolio needs to be. Especially if you plan on getting some magazine tear sheets! Only show your best images. The ones that look like ads already, that bring out your best features. If you don't want to model your thighs or hips, then don't put them in your book, and remember less is more!


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