Monday, January 14, 2008

Modeling: freelance modeling and steps to success

Freelance modeling means a lot of your work, planning ,researching and hustling and self promoting is done yourself. It means sometimes it is a struggle to get ahead and these steps could help you get an agent and start booking modeling work. Yourself!

Step 1: Focus on your images and target each photo shoot to benefit your portfolio book, you will need to design your portfolio book to represent where you are going, and the type of work you want to get. So look at ads and magazines and ad campaigns and start Knowing What type of model you want be and what type of work you want to get. For example if you want to model lingerie or for a handbag company, those are two totally different shots you need to get.

Step 2: Don't be afriad to self promote, you will need to use the Internet to get information. Why not google modeling agencies, print agencies, talent agencies and submit to them. I don't believe in paying to have your photo on one of those Modeling or Acting websites so before you waste $30-$100 bucks, use physical tools like comp cards and stamps and envelopes or emails to self promote yourself. Getting an agency is easy if you target yourself to the right agencies. If you are petite skip fashion all together! Go right to the print modeling agencies and talent agencies, use Google to find agencies, attack it and research agencies in your city. You have to find them...because the GOOD ones don't advertise often or at all. Also don't be afraid to mail your photos to a magazine, or start trying to find modeling jobs with or without an agency. If you want to model it can mean seriously being your own agent too.

Step 3: Set goals for yourself. If you write down your plans, goals, and wants and pursuits, most likely they will happen. Make it a goal to be in a magazine this year, or set a date. Make it a goal to have a modeling agency by this set time and date. And start putting together a comp card and mailing it out, because having your photo on the web is a nice start, but it wont promise someone will see it and book don't leave anything to chance!

Start promoting you!

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