Friday, January 11, 2008

Models: Targeting your photos to Magazines

If you want to submit to magazines you have to send them images that represent the magazine. So go to the store and pick up a few magazines you want to submit too. Think of lifestyle magazines, urban magazines, hair magazines, everything from Maxim, to craft magazines.

Then go to the front of the magazine and find the mast head, usually the photo editor will accept your images by mail. .or email...

Targeting your images is important:

For example: Send images that flow with the magazine.
1. Don't send a bikini shot to a hair magazine or Craft magazine
2. write a letter -one or two paragraphs sharing your interests with the magazine, and what you think you would be good for.
3. Leave a phone number, and email for a contact
4. Send about 3 images to show your range.
Change up the hair, smile shot, then no smile, full body shot then 3/4 length.


For more tips and advice listen to my podcast:

Or check out my book called Almost 5'4" on Amazon.

isobella jade

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