Thursday, January 10, 2008

Starting to Model

MODELS: Have you been marketing You?

So you want to model, be one, be in a magazine, get an agent?

Well have you thought about mailing your photos out, even skipping the middle man all together and going right to the source, the magazine, the brands you are interesting in working with. Try the smaller brands first.

Use the Internet to your advantage and start researching. Submitting your photos to print modeling agencies is best, but also understanding that it might not even be your FACE that gives you your might be your feet shoe modeling, or hands hand modeling, which will get you into an agency door...and then other work starts coming.

I just started working with another agency, because they need body part models, so of course that is great but once I start working with them, I will push the other divisions of the agency as well but I need to get my foot, no pun, in first sometimes!

For more advice see my Modelingy podcast!

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