Friday, February 29, 2008

So You Want to Model?

If you have your marketing tools, your compcard and your headshot, you can get modeling and acting work more easily than just relying on the Internet and only the Internet. Even though the Internet is a great tool. You need both. Models can be so many things these days, so you want to target yourself to the right jobs through your images and you want to work with real live agents.

To get great photos you might have to do some research, do a few test shoots, or shoot over and over until you get the images you need.

Knowing the images you need comes with knowing what type of modeling you want to do and targeting yourself in that way within your photos. If you want to be in commercials,use your personality and work with commercial brands and products you need to include these element in the shoots you are doing. Make sure your shots have energy, personality, a lifestyle feel. Look at ads to get ideas. If you want to model lingerie or swimwear, you might want to look at lingerie ads, and catalogs and get ideas of the type of photos you will need.

Making a compcard is next!
Mailing it out to agencies follows!

Sometimes models think you get the agency then the photos and compcard. My thinking, especially when you are petite, is the opposite. You need to be marketing yourself - and you need your marketing tools to do this...and you need your compcard and photos first to get the attention of an agent, and when you are petite it is the commercial print agencies. Not the fashion ones. It is normal to make your own compcard and market yourself, it is expected. Commercial print modeling agencies, casting agencies, and casting agents, don't usually make their talent cards. Usually the model makes it.

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