Monday, March 31, 2008

Shooting in Spring! And loving my new modeling compcards

I just ordered a new body parts card and commercial looking card from!
The body card features a hand modeling shot from bon appetit magazine, hopefully soon I will have more hand modeling photos to add to my portfolio, also I put on it my Marshalls tearsheet and then I put a sexy leg shot on it with my modeling a bag and my legs are in a stance that looks very long!

I do need more smiles in my shoots and that is my plan for my next shoots, wearing my vintage dresses, and smiling alot! Don't forget the importance of a natural smiling girl next door photo. It is important when it comes to commercial print modeling. My agents want to see a smile.

A few of my smiles are enclosed, but I do need some updates for my portfolio and card.

Next time!

I am excited for it to get warmer so I can start to flaunt my smile around town and plan outside shoots!

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