Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Internet's Modeling Marketplace!- sort of makes you out like a piece of meat!

Recently a girl asked me if she should join and modelmayhem.

Well, since they internet is the first place most wanna-be, newbie models go, of course she would want to join the site,- it seems alluring, welcoming, exciting,-- but my opinion on those sites is not so enthusiastic.

My experience on the internet modeling marketplaces, and internet modeling social sites has been the majority of the time unhelpful. I think a lot of girls think that because they are being” exposed” and seen on a modeling site by downloading their photo and daily counting their hits and click, they will then be discovered and made into a cover model or suddenly be a famous model.

Yes, you will be sought out after by amateur photographer’s but if that is your only goal then go for it. Otherwise I would skip all the crap on the internet modeling websites, and get over the hits and clicks and comments, because some random comment by a random photographer isn’t going to make you a model.

Instead a better solution is to use google to find quality photographer's, maybe Google:

Photography + your hometown and you will find better results. You will want to work with a photographer who is talented, and takes the craft of photography seriously.

I used to not be as picky as I am today about who I choose to work with, and usually when I wasn't picky it meant I wasn't thinking about 'what it really takes to model.'

If you are just "playing with the idea of being a model," then these social sites might be a fun playtime, but if you are really trying to be in the magazine, get an agent, and be a model, and you will need to find a professional photographer.

My basic rule for working with a photographer is:
Why do they shoot? - is it only to shoot sexy girls or do they really know the craft of photography.

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