Friday, June 27, 2008

Modeling Tips and Advice: Using the web to get ahead as a model

It is so easy to submit yourself to a modeling casting you see on a website, and electronic submissions for certain castings can be great, save time, and work out well. But here are some things to consider before you take the next modeling job.

Is there a brand involved?
Is there a product involved?
Does this photo shoot have a point beyond "just feeling hot today?"
Is this modeling job going to benefit me and where I want to be as a model?
Is this modeling gig going to improve my modeling portfolio.
Think about the aftermath-sometimes it does involve math and ask yourself, " is this modeling opportunity, really an opportunity?" "Is this 100 bucks worth my time and resume?"

Remember: "It is better to do three really great modeling jobs a year which benefit your modeling book and help you get an agent, than accept thirty modeling jobs that only boost your alter-ego but get you really no where."

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