Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting Modeling Castings and Modeling jobs on your own

Many girls I encounter are upset with their agency, upset they are trying but not seeing results, and are struggling to get modeling work. Here are some ways you can start booking your own which then leads to more work and opportunities, and maybe even a better agent.

1. Have a goal. What is your real goal for modeling? Once you know your goals you can start to focus on them. What type of modeling are you trying to achieve? Is it a realistic goal? how can you reach it? Are you marketing yourself in that direction? Are there certain photos you need to better market yourself? Are you not going on castings because you are not prepared and your agency doesn't think you are capable? Are you wondering why the phone isn't ringing? Maybe it is because you don't have a goal. To be a model in this digital age you have to have a goal. A plan, and know how to market yourself.

2. Promote yourself in new ways. So you have a compcard, or your photo on a modeling agency website, but are you working as a model yet? Sometimes girls have this fantasy that they will be discovered and then an agent will make their dreams come true like a fairy godmother. I think the best thing for an aspiring model who is not a tall fashion model type is to:
-Not sign with an agency, unless the agency has a great reputation and has PROVEN they can book you work by already booking you some,-instead at the start freelance with many agencies. ( I work with 5 now )
- Focus on your images/ photos. Do they represent the jobs you can do and want to do?
- Make your own compcard, and promotional and marketing tools. Do you have a headshot and compard that YOU can physical mail out to casting directors?
- Market yourself in ways beyond the web.

3. Doing the work!- I read magazines and also research photographers who are published in magazines and editorials, and who shoot for ad campaigns. The other day I wanted to know the name of the photographer who shot for a jeans brand I want to model for and I googled the company name,photography, and the campaigns, and I found out...- granted I do have experience but with this mindset you will see how you don't have to wait for your goals to come to you but you can get them done!
What about approaching brands, and magazine editors? What about mailing your compcard and trying to get some experience?

Once I even got a meeting with a well known lingerie company but simple finding their name and info in the back of Women's Wear Daily. No they were not casting for models but I took it upon myself to contact them and ask if they would be interested in meeting so I can perhaps model for them.

4. Realities of Modeling in the Digital Age: Being a model these days takes more than a photoshoot and agency, it takes a lot of effort, and research skills. It takes being a marketer. One casting is just a casting, and of course it helps to have an agency sending you on auditions and castings, but you can also contact aspiring brands, handbag designers, shoe designers...when was the last time you looked into contacting a brand?

If you are selective in your choices, who you work with, the photos you take, and really plan to launch yourself and promote yourself into modeling you can get where you want to be sooner.

Modeling to me isn't a height, being oh so pretty, or a certain weight, modeling to me is understanding your niche,- knowing where and how you can model, and focusing on that area and going for it!

What I have learned is: You can make yourself more of a model if you try and be realistic with your goals and choices and do not wait for it all to come flying towards you...because it won't. You have to make it come your way by being prepared with knowing how to market yourself.

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