Thursday, July 24, 2008

is it for your ego or your modeling resume

When you are trying to be a model, it can mean trying to build your modeling portfolio and this can mean making choices on your own. Many times I have had to ask myself, "is this job worth it?"

And when you take yourself seriously and your pursuits a comment thing is to ask yourself before you apply and commit to a job is this for my resume, or my ego?

Sure during a dry spell it might feel good to be picked for a job, but when you are freelancing you must be picky about the jobs you do and the photos you take and the submissions you do. If you take yourself seriously and your goals, then you don't want your ego to put you in a bad situation, or make a mistake, or waste your time, or worse, it is best to be picky, think and ask questions, and not do a job if it seems like something that really won't bring your forward or where you want to be.

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