Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kenneth Cole brings new meaning to modeling in an ad campaign

Kenneth Cole doesn't mind if you are in a wheelchair, not perfect and have a few flaws. Infact the shoe brand and retail store has taken social issues and the statement of "We all walk in different shoes," and opened eyes towards the lifestyle of just being yourself and loving it. He cares more if you have a story to tell.

I think our society and especially generation Y is obsessed with perfection. And while sitting in the store trying on some shoes a couple weeks ago I really loved the instore specs and video of the ad campaign shoot they display on plasma screens in the store. I was very impressed. Most brands are stuck on perfection and gloss. Mr.Cole and photographer Terry Richardson share stories of those who have an inspiring message for the Kenneth Cole: We All Walk in Different Shoes, ad campaign.

Click here or here.

Incase you haven't seen any of the ads yet, here are a few that I love. He calls these people " non-uniform" thinkers. I hope it inspires you to see that being yourself is the best ad campaign you can strive to show and present each day.

And click here for more ads and news on Kenneth Cole and the brand that took a chance on itself and those who are not perfect but beautifully unique.

If you want to do something, you make it happen, and if you aren't perfect that doesn't mean you can't try and get it done just as a good!

We all have scars, imperfections, and we all seek acceptance, but you have to first love your self, accept your flaws, and still wake up every day striving to be the person you want to be, no matter the odds. What's your story?

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