Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The pursuit of a model in the digital age isn't just getting a modeling agent

Right now I want to be in Self, Marie Claire, and Glamour, so I read those magazines alot, I find out what type of photos I should have by looking in the magazine, and I create photos that show my energy, smile,( - I work with a great photographer to create the shots) and submit my photos to the photo editor. Yes -it is not normal, it is unconventional and most models do NOT do this. They wait for the phone to ring. But I just don't work like that. I am selective about my work, and I chase it hard!

Alot of girls think that because they have a modeling agent, they can get ahead and they will be known and perfect, this is just not always true. I work with 5 modeling agencies and they all call me but not every single day...so I make sure I am always chasing more for myself.

And modeling has a lot to do with my pursuits but I also write for online magazines and publications, while I keep a positive attitude about my own pursuits. I blog daily, I pod cast weekly, I create video blogs and what I have come to learn over the years is that: To success as a model you have to really be involved with your pursuits these days to get ahead. Especially when every girl her mom wants to be a model and thinks she is one just because she has downloaded her photos on the internet....but the ones who serious are the ones are getting the modeling work. And serious doesn't come in hits and clicks. It comes in tear sheets, and ad campaigns and commercials :) It can mean mailing your compcards out, contacting brands, magazines and pitching quality photographer's yourself to improve your modeling portfolio and photos, which will market you better.

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