Monday, July 14, 2008

skip the modeling school, go to your mirror instead

Walking like a model doesn't mean you should be one. And can be one. It takes a lot more than a walk girl. Even if you have the look there is a lot more to do than just perfect a walk.

Modeling is about modeling for brands and products and modeling agencies are VERY picky about the fashion world. As for your modeling pursuits I would consider commercial print modeling. You will have more opportunity and not just a tough time dealing with your height and being put down for it. Instead focus on what you have to offer as a model. Ask yourself, " what is sellable about me as a model?" What would I be good modeling? (product wise). Think of ads and editorials that involve models of all heights.

It doesn't matter if someone THINKS you can model, it comes down to YOU thinking you can these days.

I don't suggest modeling schools. They are over priced and meant for the naive. The best way to learn how to pose is to looking into reviewing the magazine ads you see and commercials, and editorials in magazines. And I don't just mean fashion magazines, models are needed for even TRAVEL magazines, modeling is so many things these days not just fashion. If I were you I would look at some magazines and then go infront of your mirror and practice posing. Being comfortable with your own self and knowing your body and how it looks when you pose is best. Because soon posing won’t be posing instead it will be natural. And you will look natural doing it. Like grab a handbag and try to pose with it, as if it is for a catalog or ad.

Skip the modeling school, waste of money and you do not come out as a model with a modeling agency and a working model, you come out with just a bill. You can read books on modeling and read biographies on models and get more insight on the modeling business. Also I would try to find some quality photographers. Photographers that TEST are best/ testing is a way to get photos without the heavy price tag. Also if you do not have a picky and perceptive eye I would Skip the modeling social sites too, there are just TOO many scumbags and dirty wanna be photographers on their. I would instead google Photography + your home town. Working with professional photographer's and those who take photography seriously will be best. Working with those who are aspiring and serious - such as at a photography- school might be good to. I would be honest about how much money you have, and try to negotiate a rate that works. An aspiring model should focus MORE on her photos than anything. Your photos will sell you to agents and then the agent can use the photos to sell you to the clients, the castings, the art directors, the editors, ect. Without photos, a compcard, and a modeling portfolio you can not market yourself as a model. Skip the schools, and if you have money then put your money where your pursuits really begin! With photos. Mail them to commercial print modeling agencies and keep trying!

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