Monday, July 21, 2008

What should I wear to meet a photographer?

A girl recently asked me what she should wear to meet a photographer.

My Answer:
I would wear just jeans and a tanktop. Light makeup, enhance your great assets but don't be a slut about it. You want to look like the photo you might have showed the photographer ahead of time. Also here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Is the photographer the only one talking? Is he taking over the meeting or letting you speak your mind about the photos you want.
2. Discuss the shoot ahead of time, what you will bring, wear, if there is a makeup artist, or stylist. If it is a test shoot ask what you will receive? Cd, images, prints? Is photoshop included if needed?
3.You are not there to impress the photographer, you are there to see if he impresses you.

Anyone can hold a camera and photo shop it, the question is...Is this photographer worth YOUR time?

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