Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jeff Bridges voice over and a favorite of mine

Jeff Bridges is a favorite of mine. I really loved him in Seabiscuit. Since I feel like the Seabiscuit of Modeling, I really loved his performance.

I watch the movie often just to see the scene where he speaks to the crowd about why it is important to give the small underdog Seabiscuit a chance!
I also love penguins and I loved his voiceover in " Surf's Up." I really love Jeff Bridges voiceover's that I hear it in commercials too. I pay attention when I hear it, it sort of captures you to listen.

He is on the line up of my favorite actors to play my father or Robert, a photographer that really stood out, in a film about my book coming up through The Friday Project, an imprint of HarperCollins, in April 2009.

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