Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Public relations advice from Isobella Jade

Need some public relations advice? Trying to self start your company, get some buzz, and some press?....well I wrote this article for Workinpr.com and you might like it.

By good use of the internet I became my own publicist.

My self-made public relations pursuits started when I self-published a book and needed a way to promote it without a large outlay of money. There are five ways I use the internet to gain exposure for my book in outlets such as Page Six, the New York Times, The New York Pose Pulse, Fashion Television, Media Bistro, and Advertising Age, among many others.

First, before you can promote yourself, your brand or product, do you know what you are promoting? When promoting my book, I had to understand all of the angles I could pitch. Many marketers focus on one way to market their product or story without considering the other ways a story, product or brand can be intriguing and newsworthy. For example, my book is about modeling, but I wrote the book at the Apple Store. I didn’t just pitch my story to women’s magazine’s or fashion magazines, but also to computer and Mac magazines. Each angle can be used towards a different way of marketing - a form of print, radio, podcasting, blogs or television..."

To read more check it out here:


You can self promote you just need the will to try.

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