Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Being on Set: modeling agencies, joining sag and the entertainment business

I was on set today of a feature film called The Girlfriend Experience and while waiting to do the scene I was talking to a couple of girls. We got talking of course about agencies, joining sag and the entertainment business. One taller girl said she has an agency right now and wants to work with other agencies but hasn't tried. Another was an aspiring actress but might want to do modeling for some side money but didn't think she had model looks, the other girl drove in from Philly and she wants to model but think she is too short. For me this was a typical conversation I have daily on my radio show and blogs and to girls who contact me through Myspace or my website. But these girls were ready to learn. While we waiting for the scene we talked about being in the business. One asked about joining sag? I said, "Three Waivers are needed." More talk about submissions to agencies, and I gave the girls insight into how to craft their own photos, and some agencies they should send some headshots and energy, lifestyle shots too. The conversation also included how one girl had an agency but wasn't sure how to move to the commercial world. Since here fashion agency wasn't working for her. She wasn't sure if she could/or should work with other agencies.

It was interesting because in my mind the model has to keep her control, and strive by being her own marketer. To me it seems natural, maybe because nothign has been handed to me, I have always made my own compcards,- sure gotten agency advice sometimes, but I have always been the one making and producing my marketing tools, and even art directing some of my photoshoots.

In my mind if I want to model something I need to create the photo to show it, but I gave her tips on ideas for photos for the commercial world, some tisp on how to pose naturally. She asked what to do because her agency wasn't calling her. I said, "Well send them some new photos, let them know you are busy and serious." Maybe they already mailed your cards out, got no responce and now don't know what to do with you. So you need to get in touch. And do it with photos.

I also said, "Don't confront them on why they haven't called...instead ask them what YOU can do to help book you." Alot of girls forget that THEY as models and people need to not blame the agency, but think to themselves...what can I do to help the agent better market me.

We ended the day talking about some race issues.

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