Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Craigslist Modeling castings gone bad

I do not think Craigslist is terrible, but I do think to use the site you have to be smart, you have to becareful and you have to be ready to research.

Applying to castings on the free world wide web can be a danger, and just recently I found a scam and even reported it. Some posts incorporate top names,brands and studios within the casting to intrigue the hopeful model, actress, singer, but I recently noticed a music video casting that incorporated a very well known Studio in NYC. It begins with an S and ends with a Cup. I thought it would be weird that they would be casting on Craigslist. So I Googled the studio name, found the website and emailed them and told them about the post and asked if it was real saying, "Just want to be sure you know about this, incase this is a fake casting."

The email back said, "Thank you for letting us know. S Studios does not produce tv shows, films,or commercials and therefore does not cast people. We have no booking for a music video here. We will do further investigation. Thank you."

This studio does not even do casting, and instead they offer several shooting spaces , sound stages, lighting and grip services.

The point of this is, I thought of all the girls falling for this bad casting, so my suggestion when using websites as casting sites, do your research, if it seems weird it most likely is, and don't be afraid to ask, is this real?

1 comment:

  1. The only problem with Craigslist is that there are so many typo and grammatical errors on their ads and that the castings don't seem legitimate at all. They seem pretty sketchy. In addition to that, they're not that detailed sometimes.
