Thursday, October 9, 2008

Podcasting for Credibility and Business

When I was featured in the New York Times my podcast received over 10,000 downloads that week. Is there a topic you love talking about? If you are always gabbing about the latest this and that or if you have a passion for something that you could speak publically about then you should consider podcasting. It could make you an entrepreneur or enhance your small business. I am not kidding.

Here are 5 reasons why your readers should start podcasting:

1. It is free. Most podcast networks are free to use and it only involves a computer and a phone to start your own show on a radio platform that gets carried through the web.

2. Easy cross marketing. Having a blog or website these days isn’t enough to really get exposed; you need to use your blog and website to show off the other web 2.0 activities that you have going on. By podcasting you will also appear more tech savvy. Podcasting is a great way for your audience to hear you in a radio format that can be carried through your blog, website, Facebook and Myspace, Twitter, on a share feed.

3. Make money. With your podcast attached to your social media, the more downloads your blog, Myspace, Facebook, and website get the more downloads your podcast gets. Some podcast networks even provide you sponsors that pay you based on the amount of downloads you get per show in a week or a month’s time.

4.Make your own schedule. Your podcasting can be once a week for fifteen minutes or every day.

5. Build your brand. When you are out with friends or meeting new acquaintances or building your brand or your own image it sounds intriguing to add to your title “radio host.” It will make you an expert in an area you know alot about. People you interact with will want to know about it. If you are passionate about something you should be talking about it. It is a great way to market your business in a discreet way.

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