Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Web Basics for Modeling Sites and Castings Sites

Who are these people settingup these modeling websites? There are so many model sites out there, and just by Googling modeling you can find plenty of these websites.
Some are websites for models and photographers to mingle, some are professional looking with cool functions, and tools, some offer a message, some don't you just receive an email in your yahoo, AOL, gmail or whatever. Some of these sites are even classy, and the girls look model -like, and like tall runway models, some are not-accepting anyone and just simple download your photo and put your skills and interests, check,check, check. Some are just escort services portraying themselves as a model website.

I think about the people who run these sites. Create them. Is it enough to know the basics of how to make a website and set up a profile platform to have the experience to set up modeling site? There are so many casting sites out there.

Well I do know from my own experience, most of the owners and creaters of these websites, have NO modeling experience, and they do not have the ability to help a person become a successful model with legit castings. I did some pr work for a mobile company and the owner of it ran one of these sites on the other side of the office, and he was never a model, knew nothing of being one and even had his employees scout castings from Craigslist to put on his website! I am serious.

Skip the model websites. Maybe you can call yourself one on one of those, but you will not be one from it. You need a headshot, a compcard, and you need persistant modelings to legit modeling agencies, they do not ask you for $30 dollars a month or more to join.

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