Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Isobella Jade advice for the aspiring models out there

Usually the more you believe in you, the more other people do too.

Take the No's in stride, let them be even more inspiring to chase what you want, learn from the No's and grow from them. Just like an athlete you might not win every game, but if you really love the game you fight and love to play it anyways.

Be realistic with your self, if you are 5'3" don't strive to be in a fashion magazine, strive to be in a print ad for a shoe company or a skincare, or with a lifestyle product.

A headshot will get you further than a Glamour shot.

Your not too short to model.

Less is not always more, a shot of you in jeans and tee shirt can book you a commercial print modeling agency quicker than one of you in a thong.

The more mailings and submissions you do the better.

Do your research and be prepared for work, the days of being discovered are over, it is about discovering yourself.

Getting your own tearsheets, not being afraid to submit to magazines, and approach brands, and being ambitious to create the shots you need to better market yourself are important.

If the photo doesn't say you can model it, then people, agents, art directors, editors, marketing professionals will assume you can't.

If you want to model something create the photo you need to present yourself in the direction you want to go.

At the end of the day you are your own agent.

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