Thursday, December 25, 2008

Modeling throughout the Recession of 2009

You got keep fighting through out the Recession to get what you want and those who do will come out on top.

Recently on Myspace I got a message with a question on" how to have it all" and in the hunt for work as a model in NYC".

Yup this is always the question/case with an artistic pursuit.

To be honest I am used to it, the hustle. Yet, if you are a striving model, actor, musician, writer, or within the arts, I would always have a backup plan for yourself. I would not count on your "dream" to make you a stable income right away.

Even if you book a national ad campaign or major gig, it can take weeks, sometimes months to get paid. It is good to have a part time something, a job that involves other skills you have.

I would say think of your other skills and go to Craigslist, or Media Bistro, or Monster, and start looking for a part time position. Beyond working as a waitress or bartender there are other gigs you can get.

Temp work is also a consideration. There are many temp agencies in NYC. That book people for weekly or daily jobs. Also you might be able to get a job part time teaching, or for a marketing or pr company, there are always freelance writing positions out there, if you are pursuing as an actor, try some production work, teaching kids acting for a small theater, or managing a theater/stage a few days a week, or on off days.

Offer yourself part time and stress your abilities, sometimes people will accept a part time worker. But know that part time work does not include benefits, which means you might get the job because a company won't have to pay them, and that is a plus for them, but make sure you can handle that.

The main thing is finding something you enjoy, pays you, and also adds to your resume at the same time. Something that uses your other skills, but doesn't limit your "other goals/dreams." Flexible and able to go on castings, last minute bookings, and gigs. I would search Craigslist and Monster and Media Bistro only for Part time or freelance work and you will see there is work out there that comes up.

It can be hard to find that "other pursuit, job, stability, that lets you model/act, etc, and be flexible..but there are jobs out there that are part time, and especially right now, with the economy people are hiring part time people.

When it comes to your pursuits. The main thing to keep yourself ambitious and in the right direction is to keep your mailigns going, your submissions to agencies..mail, mailing, and more mailings, and a cheaper way to get your marketing material made is through online printing: With printing costs high I would try online printing prices before walk-in printing places. Depending on where you live online could be cheaper.

Another way to save money is to downgrade your lifestyle a little. This could mean not shopping for shoes weekly and clothing. It can mean picking clothing items that can translate through out the year.

Limit your salon visits and upkeep with home made beauty treatments.

Also to downgrade your lifestyle, apartment size, going out, money you spend... will help to upgrade yourself in other areas of your pursuits and "have it all."

Sometimes you have to sacrifice to have what you really want.

Yum...Top Ramen.

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