Monday, December 15, 2008

To model you have to have a sense of humor

The art director once said, “The other model could do it.” Talking about a pose that I just could not get my body into. I just laughed it off. Oh well, well I can’t do it, but I can do a lot of other things. We nailed the shot, and every one was happy when the shoot was over, but it does take some humility to be a model.

A photographer once scrapped his finger at my small beauty mark on my pink toe, thinking it was dirt. I said, “That little dot, nope that doesn’t come off.”

The art director once said, “The other model could do it.” Talking about a pose that I just could not get my body into. I just laughed it off. Oh well, well I can’t do it, but I can do a lot of other things. We nailed the shot, and every one was happy when the shoot was over, but it does take some humility to be a model.

A photographer once scrapped his finger at my small beauty mark on my pink toe, thinking it was dirt. I said, “That little dot, nope that doesn’t come off.

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