Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I didn't grow up thinking of the Web -call waiting days

I didn't grow up thinking we would all love handbags and shoes, I grew up on garage sale clothing and the minimalist lifestyle now inspired by the recession. It is like normal to me. Even when I get paid $1000 for a modeling job I don't go blow it on one handbag. However I do think of the designer a lot and how fashion is artistic. A limited edition handbag might be costly but the day in the life handbag is not something that should cost half my rent. I don't know where this idea came from that girls should spend this much on a truckin' bag. Maybe it was Sex in the City, maybe Tv Shows, but I sure of hell didn't come out of my childhood thinking high fashion would be the language of my neighborhood, but even when I now visit my small hometown, I find that between the fields of trees, farms, and new housing developments, there are Coach bags and the names of designers floating in daily conversation.

Even my Mother knows who Kate Spade is, and she knows how to web cam and text.
My mother even met her husband on Match.com!

I didn't expect this technology world growing up. That we would be obsessed over blogs and internet radio would be the tech trend that puts me ahead of the game.

When I first had my photo on the Internet or joined a social site, I was nervous to even tell my friends, before Myspace and Facebook and when AOL Im's were still newer. I think my generation that is in our twenties forget that we didn't plan on this. We grew up with phones stuck to walls, and having call waiting was something that made you look rich.

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