Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Broadway Show to Use Body-Part Confessional Ads

This video features real women talking about the parts of their body they dislike for a campaign promotion for a New Broadway Show called "Reasons to be Pretty," I think the video is a cool concept to promote the show.

Especially since many women should come to gribs with the good, bad and not so pretty about certain parts of them. We all have flaws.

Ad age did a story on it as well by Hoag Levins Published: January 19, 2009

Which body part do you feel most insecure about?
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Which of your body parts do you dislke the most? That question is the central gimmick of a advertising campaign being prepared for the new Broadway show "Reasons to be Pretty." Orchestrated by the SpotCo ad agency, a call went out for "everyday" people to show up at a Manhattan casting call ready to expose their bodies and confess their insecurities. The eight winners are having their parts photographed for the ads.

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