Saturday, January 17, 2009

selling virginity online- Please don't sell sex on the Internet Models

Jeez. Oh Jeez. I recently heard of this chick, selling her virginity on the internet. Oh boy, another internet whore. Gosh I hate hearing about this sad stuff. It isn't the first time.

Who knows if she is really a virgin, but the point is she is trying to become a celebrity over her internet whoring. I really think this is very shallow.

If you look at her glamour-ish slutty photos you see that she most likely has, or had modeling ambitions but once again she becomes another girl who doesn't see her real opportunities and just walks down the wrong runway of "doing anything to be called hot." I guess the The Moonlite Bunny Ranch is going to be the place.

Girls who do this really make me sick. I mean honesty, where is your sense of worth, do you want to be only known as the girl who sells sex on the internet? I mean where is that going to get you?

She gets some attention and the void of her "famous for 15 minutes is filled." But jeez what are you really?

I wonder where she will be in 3 years. Most likely no one will care.

If you want to model, please don't end up selling your body on the Internet. The underground business of internet models and internet selling time for photos and cash and sex, is sparked many times by girls who once wanted to be more. Be more in life. They had dreams, they wanted to be more, but instead become the slut of the week.

No wonder men are saying they will pay because these men are shallow too, they want to be the jerk inside of you who will also get his 15 seconds of fame, but really the fame thing for having sex with an internet glamour model who is more into herself and is most likely has a very low self esteem -except when she is infront of the computer looking at herself and online portfolio- is really not fame at all. It is a sad result of a girl seeking attention and being too desperate to really work for something she wants. Selling sex doesn't take much effort. Anyone can do it. Really doing something that is longlasting, makes an impression, or holds a future, takes more than just a hump.

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