Saturday, January 3, 2009

So there is no petite model market- it's called Print

I had an interesting email sent to me from a Plus Size modeling agent who exclaimed to me,"...there is no Petite Model Market, just people trying to make money from people who will never be models."


Well, I agree, there are a lot of scams, but there is work for a petite or shorter model in the legit modeling business if she is smart about it, however her comment sort of hit a nerve, my response was

Your right, It is not called the petite model market, it is called print modeling, and that is what I advocate daily, most fashion models are not that attractive, just tall and fit the sample size, yet today the word model does not just mean fashion especially in our growing commercial world and advertising world, which makes modeling about modeling a product, and many products, brands and services, use models of all heights and sizes with personality. It is also about proportions. Just like in plus size, the girl needs to be proportioned, ambitious, available and personable. I am one of the shortest girls in NYC and I have used my legs to model for brands such as Victoria's Secret, Marshalls and recently for the Spring 09 Easy Spirit campaign, and many other campaigns, editorials, and commercial work. I am also the author of a book called Almost 5'4" -hence my height, which an imprint of HarperCollins is bringing out in Jan 2010 and you are right there is no petite model market but as a petite model I have found my way and I advocate about the modeling business from a shorter model perspective because from my experiences there is a market for a petite female in the modeling business,- it is found within commercial print modeling and you see these models modeling for shoes, skincare, haircare, and lifestyle products in print ads and commercials. From Cunningham Escott, to Gilla Roos, Parts Models, and many others work with shorter models for bookings that are not for a fashion consumer. Yes there are scams out there, of course, the Internet has allowed many of them, but if a girl is shorter (not fashion height) and wants to find work in the modeling business she doesn't have to be scammed, she can market herself in proper ways, to the right agencies and find legit modeling work with top brands and magazines. She will not be jet set, or a fashion model, or be treated like one and pampered, but she can find modeling opportunities within print. And yes of course she has to be realistic with herself. I am sure in the coming years there will be more plus size, and even shorter females, modeling for ads and commercials because the the advertising and consumerized world is growing.

If a girl targets herself to the commercial print modeling area of modeling, she can find opportunities, she will need to craft the right photos, and market herself in proper ways but if she does there is opportunity, not to be a supermodel, but to find honest modeling work you can tell your mother about and bookings that will allow you to be paid by a top brand or service for your time working as a print model for their campaign or marketing needs.

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