Monday, February 23, 2009

America's Next Top Model Casts Short Models

To my shorty's: ANTM is casting short girls cycle 13:

I have written over 706 posts on being a petite model on my modeling blogs, made over 50 videos on Youtube, and my podcast radio show has been listened to and downloaded over 331,016 times, and I hope my insight based on my experiences as a petite model have inspired you. I found out tonight about America's Next Top Model is Casting Shorter Models for the next cycle 13. I wanted to share the information with you. However I hope you find always within you the real power to being who you want to be, and the hard work, the real research and trying it takes to overcome the odds. If you do get the chance to try out, and I hope you do, but remember as a shorter model, it is our personality that has to shine through in the industry, not to make up for our lack of height, but because we are not defined by height and inches. Print models come in all sizes and shapes, this is not something new that America's Next Top Model is introducing, it is nice however that they are letting it be known that models are not all tall.

This is info about the Open calls:

Here is how to submit to the show:

I personally suggest mailing a DVD of yourself no matter what. Or bringing it to the open call.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for letting everyone know about this...I would have had no idea, had you not said anything. While I am wary of reality tv and have my own opinions about ANTM, I figure I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain in terms of networking, etc. so I plan on attending one of the castings and seeing what happens. You never know, right?

    Thanks again and keep up the good work!
