Friday, February 13, 2009

How does sales work?- It is a reflex from atmosphere

Isn't it interesting how certain things inspire other things. So your at a museum and see a photography show, and you notice the pretty shoes, then a few minutes later you are thinking about your own shoes and checking the sales. Only to feel broke.

If you look back on your day or life on how things aspired, what did you eat, who did you call or email out of the blue, and if it wasn't for this, that wouldn't have happened.... what inspired it.

I think of this with sales, especially with smaller business owners.

I think about how a cafe owner gets customers/ aka money from the customer thinking mmm maybe I should go to the cafe, and that thought, and action and whatever inspired it is sort of keeping the cafe owners dream alive.

The reflex of our atmosphere could be keeping someone in business.

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