Friday, February 20, 2009

How PR helped me as a Model

Many people tell me that I have strong pr skills. I think it comes from being the underdog. Having to create, seek and chase what I wanted. Find away, make it happen, and discover the opportunities out there if you take a chance on yourself.

Any small business owner can relate. Having a small business is like being a model. Having a product and trying to sell it is the same mentality as being a model and trying to get modeling work, an agent, and make money doing so.

A designer seeks a store to purchase their product and sell it. A model seeks an agent. The way we both market ourselves can lead to the opportunities we seek.

My pr skills really come from a desire to beat the odds. My pr skills have helped me as a model, and also understand the business from a marketing perspective.

Knowing myself, and how to market it, is the same for a designer or small business owner, knowing their product or service and trying to market it.

Not being afraid to try. To mail, to email, to research and ask, has always helped me.

I approach people all the time with my self. Whether it is an idea for an editorial, or a pitch to a brand or agency I want to work with, it comes down to self-want.

I believe that chasing what you want, putting in the effort, and simply trying is a HUGE part of becoming. I don't know the short cut, the hand-it-me-approach. I never had someone come up to me with the answer, or hand me an opportunity, I had to find it, make the most out of it, and if I failed...get up and try again.

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