Friday, February 20, 2009

I got a call to be Latina Top Model but..

I got a call today to be on Latina Top Model. Except I am not Latina. The lady on the phone said that she read somewhere that I was Latina? I told her I did a music video for Univision ( here it is) and I have gotten experiences to portray a latina but that I am honestly Italian and German. She asked " so there is no Latina at all in you?"


She asked if I knew any Latinas? I said no but then hung up and remembered a few and sent some emails out to the Latina I knew. Who knows.

One girl wrote me back and said Thanks and I told her, "just remember reality shows are not typically going to make you a life as a model forever, or give you a famous lifestyle, and to remember many people who are involved with reality shows do not really end up anywhere afterwards because it is up to you about how you go about what you want, and let each opportunity lead to the next."

Well, I am not into reality TV too much, although I have thought of my own modeling show for models of ALL is on the list of things to pursue before I turn 30 but right now honestly I do not watch TV or reality TV and most people on these shows are freaks. But if this chick wins it, I will be proud that I told her about it anyways.

Reality shows like Home Makeover is a well done presentation of reality tv should be, but many of the others are real crap. So we'll see how this one does. Hopefully the winners of the contest won't end up basically with just a year of "something" and then "nothing" in the end.

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