Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is my social media against me?

I am so upset at my social media tools. They are free so what can you expect but lately I am getting really upset.

1. Myspace. I am phished every single time I sign in, which means I can not post on the blog there, I can not reply to messages or accept my friend requests without having to change my password every single time, and then when I go to do an action it says I am phished so I can do limited things, like check one message, but not write back the person because soon I will be phished. Very upset and it makes me question this social media.

2. Facebook. Every time I post on my own page it makes me put a password in. Some letter and number password, it is very, very upsettting and it takes forever to just post on my own page.

3. I just got like 50 new twitter followers and by accepting to follow them it brought more, is this some sort of game?

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