Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Modeling Directory is a little pricey but...

Picked up my check at CESD for hand modeling for Bon Appetit today, then went to Barnes and Noble. I noticed a booklet called Modeling Directory,by the Ross Reports, in the magazine section for Tv and Film publications. AT first I was impressed, like wow, nice a modeling directory to co-side with the casting agents and talent agency listing from the Original Ross Reports which is now called Call Sheet, but the price threw me. $17.95 or something like that! I mean ten is pushing it for a booklet when a person COULD Googling "casting directors + nyc " and find similar results. I do think the Call Sheet is a good handy booklet though, but paying $18 for a modeling directory booklet seems a bit high?

The list however did look legit, there was Click, Cunningham, Parts, Thompson, and plenty more I heard of but I still think a girl can Google and find the same results.

Paying $18 for a booklet can lead a girl to say "screw that!" and just keep being an internet glamour model, but I guess that is her choice, and...her loss. Sometimes paying for tools like these can mean the difference between professional and same old wanna be.

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