Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar wins, is it the message or the talent?

I am upset Mickey didn't win. I stayed up waiting for it, and my thoughts are:

Were the wins based on The Message, or the Talent of the actor. I for one think the word actress has changed just like the word model, but it is obvious to see and know who is really talented, and who is just a pretty girl/person singing, dancing, and saying some lines.

I don't care if the The Wrestler was a role that Mickey's own life can relate to, it was a role that Sean Penn could not ever do, and I do not think any other actor could have and I feel he should have won.

I was happy Penelope won, I love her work, and her speech involving keeping the arts alive was very well said.

Slumdog Millionaire won many awards, but notice how the actors were not up for anything? This film was most likely a winner because of the message, not as much the acting perhaps???, idk I haven't seen it yet.

I like when credit is also acknowledged at award shows for the areas of production - so often people forget that the director and sound people and people beyond the beautiful actors,-and it was interesting to hear and see the winners of the areas Sound Mixing, Visual Effects, Film Editing, Sound Editing, also and the speech of Milk's screenplay writer Dustin Lance Black was very hopeful.

Now that I would like to bring my book to a film I am noticing more and more who the screen writers are, and directors, and all the people involved, not just the actors, and I think many in society forget that it takes more than the "beautiful star" to make the film look beautiful.

I still think Mickey should have won, he did in my mind.

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