Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photographer's on the Web are Crap

Many girls ask me about "finding a photographer."

This seems to be a BIG problem for girls who want to start modeling.

For a girl who is hunting for a photographer looking on the web can lead to scams, trouble, or worse. Recently a girl asked me about foot modeling, aka: shoe modeling and I told her NOT to use the words FOOT modeling when using the web to find a photographer or modeling jobs. It could lead to some fetish crap and some big mistakes.

Mainly Photographers on the web are crap! It is tough for a girl to resolve this issue of finding quality especially when these girls do not have a big budget.

Mmmmm..time and time again I think about starting my own network of photographers. Who are quality. Who are not jerks.

Another thing is that these girls on these modeling social sites (which are also crap), think they need as many photos as possible and that the more naked the better. Wrong! If a girl really digs deep into her dreams she will see that she wants more and should pursue better and respect her goals more. The shot a girl REALLY needs more than any other shot is a headshot, a nice full body shot that shows her personality, smile and energy. A shot that shows a girl laughing in a cute dress (NO FINGER in mouth!) and just being her, is going to help her get the attention of a print modeling agency quicker than her acting like an internet model slut.

It all comes down to perception. What a person wants, how they seek it, and if they do.

I have listed a few quality photographers on the right side of my blogs, and a girl could contact them and pitch herself, idea and buget, but there is a LOT of self serving, pr skills, and hustling a girl has to do to find a quality photographer themselves. Photos for a model are a life line, so a girl needs quality, and should work hard to get it. Modeling is a business of imagry, and whether it is a cell phone ad, or a clothing ad, the girl in the ad, most likely had a quality photo that was submitted to the agency and later lead to that job.

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